08 August 2013

When In Rome!

Rome has been having a heatwave!  Lu has endured 3 days of 40+ degree weather so far and I joined in on the sweaty fun.  It's crazy that if we were at home when it was this hot, we'd be inside with the air con blasting and laying down on the cold tiles in our underwear, but here..... in Rome..... we're out, racing around with all the other twits!

Our first night was spent eating, drinking and ramming as much sight seeing as possible into a couple of hours.  Sight seeing at night is better during a heatwave and you do get a whole different perspective on things.

We had our first taste of Campari and Soda and let me tell you something for absolutely nothing...... it is shit!  It looked like petrol in a glass with ice, but tasted and smelled like a cleaning fluid.  Where we served the authentic thing I wonder?

 We dined at a cafe in the Piazza Navona and were served by a man who looked down his nose at us when we ordered our 3rd beer...... he hadn't seen anything yet!  The piazza was full of art (mostly the same pictures over and over) and artists doing caricatures.

Our night walk took us to the Trevi Fountain where we battled the crowds to get a close look, but once we elbowed the people out the way we were able to throw a coin in a make a wish...... however, now that I put this photo up, I realise that I happily threw my €1 coin in but didn't make a wish!  I think if I were still able to make it now, I'd ask the Trevi Fountain God to turn down the heat.  Enough is enough quite frankly!


This is the Vittoriano Museum Complex.  It's pretty bloody huge and has a massivo round about in front of it with lush green grass that your'e not allowed to walk on.  The buses go around and around, sometimes not able to get off......

Look kids, Big Ben, Parliament!

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