30 July 2013

Hello Sunny London

Cheers to getting this journey started.........  It was during this time that the kid started screaming - hence the wine.

This was the menu we were handed for the flight which made me giggle immaturely and and think of my Bali peeps, ladies, you know who you are.  


So, for those of you who are keenly interested in my Game of Thrones status, I am up. to. date!  There was a tiny bit on disappointment when I realised that I didn't have episode 2, but after much thought and deliberation of whether I soldier on to episode 3 and just try to work out what I missed, I did just that and to be honest, I don't think I missed anything.  All the same people seemed to still be alive in Ep3, so it must have been a slow week in the writer's room.

So I can proudly say that I watched all 9 episodes back to back (like it's an achievement) but I have been left with a feeling of wanting.  When is Season 4 out?  Will there be a Season 4?  There has to be!  You can't leave me (and countless others, I'm sure) out there, north of the wall to just wander aimlessly wishing and hoping......

For the night is long and full of terrors
oh yeah

Once you get on the plane you are sort of on international time and you try and get on the time zone of your destination.  So by the time I'd watched all the episodes it was about 5am Melbourne time and I was over-tired.  As much as I tried, sleep just wouldn't come.  

However, after getting off and having a walk around in Dubai, I was more than ready to shut my eyes and get stuck into it.  I slept for the whole way to London and this is what I woke up to.  

Breezed through immigration, breezed through baggage collection, breezed through customs (do they even check anyone's bags?) Breezed through to train platform, purchased ticket with ease (I had 4 available ticket machines to choose from), had the train to myself all the way to Paddington and then got the first cab in the rank.  

An unheard of dream arrival.  Well done Heathrow.

So, I made it to Tanya's house unscathed after a bit of cabbie banter.  We discussed the difference in the price of petrol and where we get our fruit from and did I know that oranges in Australia all come from Brazil? And is it really as expensive in Melbourne as that documentary the uvva night said it was? 

It was a little foggy when we landed and then it was a little overcast and now, it's raining!

They had clear sky, 34℃ days last week.

Welcome to sunny London.

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