17 July 2013

The Best Laid Plans

When planning these trips one is usually working with a limited amount of time and trying to ram as much as possible into the time frame can be a tricky business.  There are pre planned activities and special events to work around, not to mention the plethora of lovely people that I desperately want to see and catch up with.

You see, this jaunt is not only about the Middyear Mediterranean Maddfest.  It just so happens that my lovely friend Tanya Hammond is getting married to her dashing beau, Nick Collis and I've been honoured with an invitation.  It also works out that the 3 week long Maddfest begins a week after Tanya's Hen Weekend and finishes up just a week before Tanya and Nick's special day. That is timing that is too good to be true.

The Hen's Weekend is going to be a group of Tanya's favourite ladies coming together at an English country house in Bristol where hen's night shenanigans is sure to ensue and
the wedding is to be held in England's charming south east countryside.  I'm hoping that the current weather they have been experiencing over there subsides a little.  
Nobody wants to sweat in their finery!


So at the moment, with just under 2 weeks left before my departure I am practising packing for a whole range of activities and weather conditions. 

I always overpack. 


I just can't seem to work out what I'll feel like wearing next week or the week after.  Yet upon my return from every trip there is always 2-3 items that sadly never made it out of the suitcase, no matter how hard they tried.  When I get home and take out the pieces of clothing who just came along for the ride, I promise myself that next time I will pack smarter and lighter and I'll just make do with what I've got.  Then, the next time comes around and I go through the whole saga again. 

 Will I need this skirt/pants/jeans/hat? 
How many times will I wear it?  
Does it go with more than 2 tops?  
Could I do without it?
Do you think I'll need boots? 

Hopefully by the time I leave I'll be down to one suitcase and who knows, maybe this time will be the first time that every items gets a guernsey.

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